Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Nota Bene: Grant for Campus Planning

December 9, 2015
I’m pleased to share that the College has received a $350,000 grant to facilitate a comprehensive campus facilities condition assessment. The grant includes a space utilization study, corrective maintenance plan, and campus master plan.
This process will begin in late January 2016. The grant specifies that an outside facilitator will work with a Master Planning Committee to “identify future anticipated facility needs, new or expanded programs that might require space, the arrival experience, strategic land use, future residential needs and improvements and upgrades to existing facilities.”
There will be a series of open forums and meetings with students, staff, faculty, and our Board of Trustees to gain input on the perceived needs of the institution. In addition to the open forums, a series of interviews will be conducted with various groups to gain insight on needs in their particular areas.  Once the scope of future needs and improvements are defined, a series of options and alternatives will be created. We will then prioritize the projects. This process typically takes from nine to twelve months.
I value your input as we collaboratively work to develop plans for our foreseeable future.