Thursday, April 25, 2019

Productive Day Two of U.S.-Mexico Higher Ed Summit

Productive day of meetings in Chicago as a part of the U.S.-Mexico Higher Education Summit. Forty presidents from private colleges in the United States and Mexico are meeting through Saturday to further discuss collaboration. (Above, left) Lunch with Gabriel Dominguez Garcia Villalobos, Rector of Universidad Panamericana Bonaterra, and Chris Kimball, President of California Lutheran University. (Above, right) Reception with Mick Weltman, Executive Director of the Associated Universities of Illinois, and Carlos Campo, former President of Regent University and current President of Ashland University, at tonight’s reception. (Pictured below) Dinner with Luis Eduardo Alverde Montemayor, Rector of Universidad Anahuac, and Pam Gomez. This is the sixth year of the relationship between the participating institutions.