Senior Rebecca Gardner (pictured performing her senior piece during Port Day) was recently selected as a fellow for the "Lift Every Voice" Symposium to be held at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in January 2022. Rebecca was one of 42 individuals invited to apply, and one of only six selected. Rebecca is in the Bachelor of Musical Arts program and will begin the Masters of Education with a focus in K-12 Choral Music Education in fall 2022.
"Lift Every Voice,” sponsored by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), is a mentoring program for talented young choral conductors from underrepresented groups. The 2022 program will bring six female ACDA members nearing the end of their undergraduate music study to the UIUC campus to work with an outstanding faculty of experienced conductor-teachers, including Kimberly Dunn Adams, Hilary Apfelstadt, Ollie Watts Davis, Kirsten Hedegaard, and Andrea Solya, among others. The week will include private conducting lessons, conducting classes, participation in graduate level choral courses, sessions on leadership, historical women composers, contemporary women composers, rehearsal technique, a history of women conductors, and round-table discussions on how to navigate the day-to-day challenges of being a female choral conductor. All participants will rehearse and conduct UIUC ensembles in a closing performance. All travel costs, housing, and tuition will be paid through the new Choral Music Engagement Fund at the University of Illinois.
Congratulations, Rebecca! What an incredible opportunity and honor for her and the University. |