Wednesday, May 10, 2017

​Nota Bene: Best Wishes for Final Exams

Today I’d like to wish all students, faculty and staff well as we begin our last day of classes for the spring semester and head into final examinations.

Students, please know that all of us at Virginia Wesleyan are here to support you, as we realize that this can be a stressful time of year. I encourage you to bring any specific questions or concerns to your professors and academic advisors, and remember, there are many resources available to help you navigate final projects and manage stress—among them are the Learning Center, Hofheimer Library, and the Student Counseling Center.

I hope you will all join us for Late-Night Breakfast, a Virginia Wesleyan tradition, on Thursday, May 11, from 10 p.m. to 12 a.m. in Boyd Dining Center. Come relax and unwind, and I'll be happy to serve you up some French toast sticks!

Best wishes to all for a successful conclusion of the spring semester, especially to our Class of 2017 as you prepare for graduation.