Monday, November 6, 2017

Nota Bene: Thank You to VWU Faculty and Staff

Annual giving through The Excellence Fund and other opportunities is all about the people of Virginia Wesleyan—students who benefit from scholarships, internships, and experiential learning…faculty who receive funding for continuing development in their academic fields…and all of us who enjoy a quality, up-to-date environment in which to work for student success.

Recently, the “I Love VWU” campaign for faculty and staff has produced more evidence that the Virginia Wesleyan family cares deeply about the future of our University. Although pledges and gifts are still being accepted, the campaign to date has achieved $50,203 from 153 faculty and staff members (view the Honor Roll of Donors). Congratulations and thank you to all who have contributed thus far.

Special thank you to our faculty and staff building chairs for their efforts in helping us during the campaign: Elaine Aird, Beth Clarke, Dr. Joyce Easter, Sue Erickson, Chris Francis, Randy Lott, Dr. Bryson Mortensen, Dr. Maynard Schaus, Jason Seward, Kelly Sprouse, Dr. Kathy Stolley, Dr. Jayne Sullivan, and Dr. Craig Wansink. 

I invite faculty and staff members who participated in the campaign to join me for a special reception on Thursday, December 7, at 11 a.m. in the Greer Environmental Sciences Center. We will say “mahalo”—or thank you—with a fun and festive Holidays in Hawaii theme.

If you have not yet participated, we hope you’ll join us in making a pledge, a gift by cash or check, or a schedule of payroll deduction. For more information on the “I Love VWU” campaign, please contact Kelly Cordova, Assistant Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Relations, at or 757.455.5709.