Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Communion Service Starting March 12...

I am pleased to announce that Bethany Memorial Church, our campus Office of the Chaplain, and our T.W. Phillips Memorial Library will host a weekly Communion service in the small library chapel during the season of Lent. The service, to be offered on Wednesdays (starting March 12) from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m., will consist of Words of Institution followed by Communion by instinction (breaking bread and dipping it in the cup). A minister or elder of the Church will be present to assist communicants.

Communicants are invited to spend some time in prayer after the service, a rotating 5- or 10-minute activity with participants coming and going as their schedules permit. In the tradition of Alexander Campbell and the Disciples of Christ, Communion will be open to all who wish to gather at the table, and will be ecumenical in the largest sense of the word.

We invite your participation in this special activity coinciding with our observance of Lent.