Thursday, October 1, 2015

Nota Bene: SACS Visit

October 1, 2015

I just returned from the exit conference with our Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) team and I have wonderful news to share. The visiting team reported its preliminary findings which include just two minor recommendations. We will address these recommendations in the next five months. Additionally, the group signaled its positive view of Virginia Wesleyan's Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), a five-year, College determined initiative for improvement.
To maintain national accreditation, every SACS accredited institution must undergo an intensive two-year evaluation every 10 years, which concludes with an on-site study by the SACS visiting committee entrusted with examining all aspects of the College, interviewing key personnel and making recommendations for any needed improvements.

Although reaffirmation of accreditation is not complete until the report by the visiting committee is approved by the full Commission on Colleges in June 2016, this is very good news. Thanks to all who worked very hard on this process over the past two years or who helped develop our QEP. Our QEP received very high marks from the visiting team. And, I offer very special thanks to you -- our broader Virginia Wesleyan College Family -- for your daily work on behalf on this outstanding College and our students.

Thanks for your service.