Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May 4, 2016
I had the pleasure recently of attending "Feathers in Your Cap: A Celebration of Faculty Work” in Hofheimer Library. The event recognized Virginia Wesleyan faculty, adjunct professors, librarians, and staff who in the last year have published a book or professional publication, obtained a grant, and received tenure and/or promotion. I was impressed by both the quality and quantity of work displayed, and I am honored to work among extraordinarily talented faculty who are so strongly committed to excellence in both teaching and scholarship.

On display were works and accomplishments by:

Kevin Adams                              Kevin Kittredge
The late Tina Aldrich                  Susan Larkin
Soraya Bartol                             Stephen Leist
Thomas Brown                           Terry Lindvall
Kathleen Casey                          Elizabeth Malcolm
Leslie Caughell                           Audrey Malagon
Patty Clark                                  Travis Malone
Annette Clayton                          Alison Marganski
Steven Emmanuel                      Taryn Myers
Jenny Erdmann                          Garry Noe
Sue Erickson                              Lisa Lyon Payne
Paul Ewell                                  Wayne Pollock
Hilve Firek                                  Randi Sachs
Alain Gabon                               Maynard Schaus
Deirdre Gonsalves-Jackson       Sara Sewell
Phil Guilfoyle                              Kathy Stolley
Ben Haller                                  Jill Sturts
Stephen Hock                            Sharon Swift
Kellie Holzer                               Vivian Teter
Kathy Merlock Jackson              Victor Townsend
Eric Johnson                              Susan Wansink
Doug Kennedy                           Tripp York
Thank you to Kathy Stolley, Associate Dean for Innovative Teaching and Engaged Learning, and Jenny Erdmann, Research Librarian, for coordinating this celebratory occasion.