Thursday, January 18, 2018

NCAA Presidential Pledge in Action

Pictured with Jay Lemons, President of Academic Search, Inc., and Katrice Albert, the NCAA’s Executive Vice President of Inclusion and Human Resources, at a meeting today of the NCAA Presidential Pledge in Action in Indianapolis. Jay was President of Susquehanna University and Vice Chair of the NCAA Board of Governors when the Presidential Pledge was established. The Presidential Pledge encourages presidents and chancellors at NCAA member colleges and universities to commit their schools to achieving ethnic and racial diversity and gender equity in college sports. It was developed out of a membership concern for the low representation of racial and ethnic minorities and women in athletics administration. It has received widespread support among the top governing bodies in each division as well as the NCAA Board of Governors, whose 16 presidents and chancellors are among the first signatories. For more information about the Presidential Pledge in Action: